
For Whittaker-Finch-Cognetti Family & Friends To Blog Till They Can Blog No More!

Sunday, July 03, 2005

The Sterners

The Sterners

Well Tim should be in Idaho now. He left just in time for Mack to catch another stomach virus or something that caused him to throw up for 2 hours and then stop... get better and play. Very weird, that kid.

Just going to head out to the base and get a little taste of America. They have a small overpriced carnival with cotton candy, rides and games. And just when we think we are really in America someone will speak to us in German and ruin it all. But, that is ok. We are enjoying Germany.

There are so many differences that happen to me daily that I thought to my self, "I must write these things down." So I decided to blog it for all to read.

For instance......A friend from church had a stroke this past weekend and his wife can only come visit between the hours of 2-7pm in the German hospital. While the husband might enjoy the extra quiet, I as a wife would have a hard time with someone telling me that I cannot stay with him and visit him when I wanted to. Now I know in America there are some visiting hours somewhat regulated but I think we have a little more of a window. I don't guess there is such a thing as private rooms either.

Its the little things that make you miss the states.

......Grocery shopping. Carts that have no direction, and better remember your bag or else you'll have to buy it...My kids and I went into Aldi to look for some salad dressing. They didn't have what I was looking for but could you get out of the store without buying anything??? No! So stupid me is standing is a line with nothing to buy just waiting to get out.
Very embarrassing to just walk right by the cashier. I suppose I am too cheap to buy a candy bar just to save face but with the exchange rate these days I have become such a penny pincher.

Something cool! Where in america could you park in a field, pay the amount due (on the honor system) and pick the flowers of your choice, cutting them to the right length to fit in the vase and then ta-da just in time for church. Did not have to wait for a store to be open and did not have to bother anyone or worry about skills (or lack of) speaking German language. Sydney loved it and picked everyone out just to her liking.


Blogger Anna said...

how did I do this?? I am so sorry I did not want to post on your blog but on mine. Sorry but I don't have time to fix it. You can try if you like.. if not I will have to do it later until then all your folks will get to see how crazy I am with my writing.

have a good day

7/03/2005 08:02:00 AM  
Blogger shee_rah77 said...

You can post on my blog! That is the point of it. So leave it people will enjoy reading what you have written about the differences in Germany.

7/03/2005 09:32:00 AM  
Blogger shee_rah77 said...

Just cut and paste it and post it to your blog when you have a chance!

7/03/2005 09:34:00 AM  

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