
For Whittaker-Finch-Cognetti Family & Friends To Blog Till They Can Blog No More!

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

1: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says:

little information flyer giving detailed specs. Everyone wanted to know how fast it

2: Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first?:

a bottle of water

3: What is the last thing you watched on TV?:

Starting Over

4: WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what the time is:


5: Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?:

6: With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?:
Starting over, truck passing on road, mom and dad

7: When did you last step outside? what were you doing?:
a little over an hour ago, getting ou of the car, coming home from work

8: Before you came to this website, what did you look at?:

9: What are you wearing?:
hot pink velour shorts, blue t-shirt

10: Did you dream last night?
i think so

11: When did you last laugh?
at this crazy lady christine on starting over...

12: What is on the walls of the room you are in?:
what isn't...sand, jim and tammy fae baker

13: Seen anything weird lately?:
cops leaving my restaurant abruptly saying they had to go tazer someone.

14: What do you think of this quiz?:
i like it, especially the first question.

15: What is the last film you saw?:
Big Fish

16: If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first?:
equipment for my own tv studio

17: Tell me something about you that I don't know:
i am going to go to a wb audition next week, hopefully

18: If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?:
get rid of nuclear weapons

19: Do you like to dance?:
most of the time

20: Imagine your first/second child is a girl, what do you call her?:
amanda lay

21: Imagine your first/second child is a boy, what do you call him?:
peter tork

22: Would you ever consider living abroad?:
of course





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